What Is Endometriosis and How Is It Treated?

4 mins read

Endometriosis is a reproductive disorder that causes discomfort, fatigue, and fertility issues. Gynecologists provide treatment options to help relieve these symptoms. Here is more information on endometriosis and how a gynecologist can help:

What Is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis affects multiple parts of the female reproductive system and can be diagnosed by a gynecologist. It may be a painful condition where tissue from the uterus grows outside of it, connecting to other tissues in the pelvic area of the body. The displaced tissue occurs when the endometrium, or the uterine lining, starts growing outside of the uterus. The endometrial lining in a uterus usually builds up every month during the menstrual cycle, where it will either aid with pregnancy or break down and leave the body during periods.

If you have endometriosis during your menstrual cycle, the endometrium will form as it usually does, but also outside of your uterus. This lining can grow onto the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and other tissues in the pelvis. When the endometrium breaks down outside of the uterus, it can cause inflammation, irritation, and scar tissue formation. The direct cause of endometriosis isn’t known, but some risk factors may include immune system disorders, genetics, and hormonal conditions. The severity of endometriosis can vary so that some women will experience different symptoms than others. Here are some symptoms:

  • Pelvic pain
  • Painful periods
  • Fatigue
  • Bloating
  • Fertility issues

What Are Treatment Options?

Hormone therapy uses birth control or other medications to slow the growth of the endometrium by stopping ovulation. With hormones like progesterone and estrogen, the normal menstrual cycle is altered. This causes the endometrial lining to stop building up and breaking down both in and out of the uterus. Slowing the spread of the displaced lining can also decrease the symptoms of endometriosis. 

Removal of Endometrial Tissue

Laparoscopic surgical removal of endometrial tissue can be an option for symptom relief with minimal surgery. This procedure uses a couple of incision points in the abdomen to insert the laparoscope, a small tube with a camera, and then locate and carefully remove the tissue. It also slows the spread of the endometrial tissue, and patients have less scarring on their skin afterward.

Total Hysterectomy

Hysterectomies are another surgical treatment option. You can get a partial, total, or radical hysterectomy. A partial removes part of the uterus, whereas a total removes the ovaries, uterus, and cervix, and a radical removes the uterus, cervix, and part of the vagina. For severe cases of endometriosis, a gynecologist may recommend a total hysterectomy. The goal of the procedure is to reduce the amount of pain in the lower abdominal and pelvic area. While a hysterectomy can reduce pain, it is not a cure for endometriosis.

Visit a Gynecologist Today

Women who have endometriosis may struggle with pain, discomfort, fatigue, and other symptoms during their menstrual cycle. A gynecologist offers treatment options like hysterectomies, hormone therapy, and endometrial tissue removal to help relieve the symptoms of endometriosis. If you have this condition, contact a gynecologist to talk about your options.

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